Each individual has a different approach to situations on how they can accomplish things in life, some love to wait for things to happen, then they will react to it, some don't want to wait, they decide to make things happen. As someone who has once a passive mindset, and then decided to change to an active mindset, I will tell you what the difference is between a passive mindset and an active mindset.
In the active mindset, people tend to make things happen, focusing on progressing toward their goals as quickly as possible, and they use everything at their disposal or seek help if needed to move forward to accomplish their dream or goal while in the passive mindset, people tend to wait, analyze the situation until they come across the perfect opportunity to react to what has happened, and sometimes they wait for someone else to push them to act so they can move toward their goal or dream
In the following lines, I will tell you in more detail what is a passive mindset, and an active mindset, I will give you life examples so you can see the impact of each of them so you can better understand the difference between them. I will tell you also if you can start using both an active mindset and a passive mindset. By the end of this article, you should be able to know if you have an active or passive mindset.
What is a Passive Mindset

A passive mindset is a way of thinking where you wait for things to happen so you can react or take advantage of the opportunity to reach your goal. It's characterized by a feeling of being acted upon rather than acting on your own behalf. The reason for this mindset is pretty simple, people believe that they have little control over their life's events.
An example of a passive mindset is James, an engineer, he graduated 2 years ago, and he is not looking for a job in the hope that a friend to help him get one, he did not even create a resume, his reason is that he does not know to create one or how to applied for jobs. His friend keeps on promising to help for over 6 months and still does not have time to come to help him, and James keeps on waiting for his friend's help. This is a passive mindset, it is because he is waiting only for an outside force to help him get out of the situation and to do everything for him. The issue is a lot of things he does not know how to do are things that he can learn himself online or go find someone else who will be available to help you. You can learn how to create a resume, then create one, you can learn how to find jobs. The issue was he was not willing to go out and find a solution, and make things happen for his life, he was only waiting for outside help.
Here are some characteristics of a passive mindset:
External locus of control: You believe external factors like luck, fate, or other people determine your outcomes. You might say things like, "There's nothing I can do about it."
Reactivity: You tend to react to situations as they come up instead of taking initiative and shaping your path.
Fear of failure: The fear of messing up can lead to inaction and missed opportunities. You might avoid challenges or shy away from trying new things.
Limited responsibility: You might blame circumstances, government or others for your setbacks, and failure. You are not willing to take full responsibility for what happened to you.
What is an Active Mindset

An active mindset is a mental approach that emphasizes ownership, proactiveness, and a focus on what you can control. It's about believing that you can make things happen, we believe in our ability to influence our life's course and take responsibility for our actions and reactions.
An example of an active mindset is James, an engineer, he just graduated and is looking for a job, he asked a friend to help him create a resume, and apply for the job but his friend did not have time to help as he was doing two jobs. James decided to learn on YouTube how to create a resume for an engineer, then he created a good resume, he even learned how to improve his LinkedIn account, and he learn also how to start networking. In the end, James created a good resume, had a great LinkedIn profile, found a good job, and had a wide range of people on his network. he decides to make things happen for his life, and take full control of his circumstances.
Here are some key characteristics of an active mindset:
Taking Charge: People with an active mindset don't wait for things to happen; they take initiative and make things happen. They set goals and develop plans to achieve them.
Embracing Responsibility: They understand that they can't control everything, but they focus on the things they can influence, like their attitude, effort, and choices. They take ownership of their successes and failures, viewing them as learning opportunities.
Positive Self-Talk: They use empowering language that reflects confidence and control. They focus on "I can" and "I will" statements instead of "I can't" or "I should."
Growth Mindset: They believe their abilities and talents can be developed through effort and learning. They're not afraid to step outside their comfort zone and embrace new experiences.
In brief, the difference between a passive and active mindset is like Imagining life as a journey. With a passive mindset, you're a passenger along for the ride, with the destination and route predetermined. An active mindset puts you in the driver's seat. You decide the direction, navigate challenges, and take responsibility for the journey.